World Affairs Journal: A tyranny of cats in Ukraine

 The perpetually alert Yanukovych regime has recently mounted an assault
on cats and other animals. For instance, a preposterously worded draft law,
“On Reforming and Improving the System of Free Time in the Sphere of
Defending the Surrounding Natural Environment, the Rational and
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Ecological Security, on
Reducing Regulatory Pressure on Subjects of Economic Activity,” appears
to give the authorities the right to hunt down stray cats and dogs. As
you may recall, the local Regionnaire authorities rid the streets of
Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Donetsk of strays in anticipation of the Euro 2102
soccer championship earlier this summer. Legalizing such behavior makes
perfect sense. After all, since the regime treats people as animals, why
should it treat animals as animals?

 Read more here.