US responses over Ukraine, Gaza hypocritical: Analyst

PressTV – US responses over Ukraine, Gaza hypocritical: Analyst

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But it is absolutely correct that you see the same playbook with Israel in Gaza and the Western vassal state, the interloping government in Kyiv employing the same tactics, attacking hospitals, attacking civilian targets.

This is something that the United States has done. I recall that the US navy shot down an Iranian passenger plane several years back, as well, it is not in common for the United States and its slaves, as Mr. Khan refers to in Pakistan to target civilians. It’s state-sponsored terrorism.

Press TV: Indeed. So, we have seen the pro-Russia leaders time and again saying they are ready to sit down at the negotiating table with authorities in Kyiv. Why do you think the authorities in Kyiv are so reluctant to negotiate?

Martin: Well, of course they are not going to negotiate because of the nature and dynamics of Ukraine. You have in Western Ukraine, you have the agricultural red basket but that’s not self-sufficient. In eastern Ukraine you have the industrial power house which is overwhelmingly pro-Russian or they want a Russian-speaking ethno state. They want no part of this western-backed vassal state that took over the country much in the same way that the [Mohammad] Mossadegh coup, the coup that took down Mossadegh in Iran was deployed.

The people in eastern Ukraine are willing to have negotiations because they want to protect their people from these attacks by the interlopers, but the interlopers in Kyiv, they are not interested in talking. They are interested in basically talking about that industrial development in the east.

Press TV: And very quickly if you can, do you think that the West, in particular the US, calculated this in when they supported what many called the coup in Kyiv?

Martin: They grossly miscalculated. They did not believe Russia would protect its ethno and geopolitical interests and they did not calculate that people would rise up and protect their identity because people in the United States and in Europe have given up on their identity, so they grossly miscalculate this horrific chess game that they are playing around the world and it is going to come back to ultimately bite the West and the United States.


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