Ukraine’s security chief reaffirms absence of dual technology supplies to Russia – ITAR
KYIV, August 24, /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine does not supply dual technologies to Russia, the chief of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), Valentin Nalivaichenko, said Sunday night as he spoke to the Kyiv-based Channel 5.
He dismissed the reports on supplies of weaponry and dual technologies to Russia by Ukrainian manufacturers as “not true to reality.”
Nalivaichenko indicated that a special commission set up by a decision of the Ukrainian President was watching closely the absence of such supplies.
“This was an important and principled decision by the President – I mean taken under full control not only the government-owned enterprises but also the private ones, like Motor Sich and other,” Nalivaichenko said.
He stressed the absence dual technology exports in spite of the contracts with Russian enterprise, some of which were still in effect, saying this concerned the Voyevoda missiles project.
“All of these contracts have been frozen,” he said.
Ukrainian Finance Minister Alexander Shlapak said earlier Kyiv was suspending supplies of weaponry and dual technologies to Russia. He recalled a decision on it had been taken the National Security and Defence Council.
“The government is getting information and rumors on the continuing sales of this produce via third countries but each reported fact is subjected to detailed investigation,” Shlapak said.