Ukraine’s ‘Much Hyped’ Reforms Fail to Accomplish ‘Anything’

Henry KissingerThe claims by the Ukrainian authorities regarding the fulfillment of the crucial political and economic reforms are contrary to fact, the Forbes economist Mark Adomanis wrote in his Twitter account.

To arrive to the conclusion, the analyst has made his own research on the regulatory environment in the country. In particular, he analyzed if the recent statements by American-Ukrainian historian Alexander Motyl are proven.

Motyl claimed that Ukraine is “slowly, and more or less surely, adopting a raft of systematic reforms,” while Russia is in the state of collapse, and “may even disappear” if current trends continue. However, Adomanis noted those claims are nonsense amid the recent resignation of the state economy minister Aivaras Abromavičius who admitted the reforms have stumbled.

​Adomanis posted comparative charts depicting current social and economic trends in both Ukraine and Russia. The charts feature data on World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index, Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, World bank Ease of Doing Business, Heritage Index of Economic Freedom and Transparency International scores.

​All the ratings showcase there’s a steady growth in Russia, as Ukraine’s positions remain unchanged.

“I’ve not been able to find a single independent ranking that shows any meaningful improvement in Ukraine’s regulatory environment,” Adomanis pointed out. “Meanwhile I’ve found several that actually show sustained improvement…in Russia.”

​He concluded saying there’s no single evidence that “much hyped” Ukranian reform have accomplished any of its objectives.

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