Ukraine, United States targeting ethnic Russians

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Aug. 11 — To the Editor:

The people of eastern Ukraine have endured relentless bombings for months by mortar fire, fighter aircraft and even ballistic missiles. Many have no electricity, no water, no medical supplies, and food supplies are scarce. Even hospitals have been damaged in these bombings by the Kyiv government.

All of this horrific aggression by the Kyiv government has been fully supported by President Barack Obama.

Some 1,500 people have been killed in eastern Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of people have fled to Russia.

The fact that the Obama administration recently said Russia’s desire to provide humanitarian aid for the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine would be viewed as an “invasion” is a shameful outrage.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration has not offered to provide any help or aid of any kind to the millions of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine who are on the brink of a human catastrophe.

Tens of thousands of eastern Ukrainians are now reported to be fleeing daily to Russia. Is this what President Obama wants — to ethnically cleanse Ukraine of all ethnic Russians?

Dr. John Meinhold



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