Ukraine national guard: cease-fire holding

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The head of Ukraine’s national guard says the cease-fire called in the country’s rebellious east appears to be holding despite some violations early on.

National Guard Commander Stepan Poltorak was quoted by the Interfax news agency Saturday as saying that although some shooting took place up to about 45 minutes after the cease-fire “as of this morning there haven’t been any violations, either from our side, of course, or from the terrorists.”

Ukraine, Russia and the Kremlin-backed separatists signed the cease-fire deal Friday after five months of bloodshed.

In Donetsk, the largest city controlled by the Russian-backed separatists, the night passed quietly. As of Saturday morning there were no reports of shooting or shelling, the mayor’s office said in a statement. Some shelling was heard in Donetsk late Friday afternoon.