Ukraine 2nd Day of Heavy Fighting | Kyiv Shells Sports Facility Killing Children …

He was a child. He belongs to all of us
(image by Youtube)

an interview with Gromadske.TV, Markian Lubkivsky, the adviser to the
head of the SBU (the Ukrainian version of the CIA) stated there are
NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ON UKRANIAN SOIL! This unexpected announcement came
as he fumbled with reporters’ questions on the subject. According
to his statement, he said the SBU counted about 5000 Russian
nationals, but not Russian soldiers in Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples

further clarified that there were no organized Russian units in
Donbass. The SBU thinks there are representatives of the Russian FSB
(Russian CIA) and mentors who provide training and organization that
grew the Novorussia army quickly in its fight with Ukraine.

went on further to state that the SBU estimates the armies of Donetsk
and Lugansk Peoples Republics are about 20-25 thousand strong.

confession will sting the Kyiv government, that has repeatedly told
its allies that Russia is attacking. Daily on Ukrainian news,
official stories declare that Ukrainian security forces are fighting
Russian armed forces. As part of the propaganda, Ukrainians are told
that the Ukrainian army is defeating companies of Russian
paratroopers, Spetz Natz Group Alpha (the Russian version of Navy
SEALS), and all sorts of special forces. If you were an average
Ukrainian what would you think?

reporter doing the interview, ultra-nationalist Natasha Stanko may
not survive the line of questioning she started. Earlier I reported
on her tweet celebrating the punisher battalion Aydar murdering
Ukrainian troops that refused to kill civilians. She thought that was

Kyiv ramped the war back up with non-stop shelling across the entire
front in Donbass. In Donetsk where the shelling has never stopped,
two children were killed and 4 wounded at school #63. in
Donetsk. Graham

the news from on the scene.

others killed in other
at Donetsk was a ten year old girl and her grandmother. They were
by an artillery shell direct hit

to stay ahead in the propaganda war Kyiv is waging, National Security
and Defense Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko said an investigation
was opened. The Kyiv Post once again shows itself as as another
propaganda organ by combining their statement with Amnesty
International stating – ” The
death of two children

the injury of four others from shelling while they were playing
football on a school playing field in eastern Ukraine are evidence
that both sides in the Donbas conflict ignore their legal obligations
and fail to protect civilians,

International’s Deputy Director for Europe and Central Asia Denis
Krivosheev said.

Ukrainian Channel 112 reporter Roman Hnatiuk- demand he lives
(image by V Kontakte)

being cut off Ukrainian channel 112, news reporter Roman
Hnatiuk reported from the scene that unfortunately it looked like
Ukrainian artillery killed the children. He based this on the
reported trajectory and eye witnesses. He also noted that locals
can’t understand why Putin has not come to protect them. That honest
reporter was called a Russian sympathizer and will probably face jail
time or execution.

implication from the Kyiv Post and Western news outlets is that the
fired rockets on its own positions and city and the people they are
protecting. It doesn’t help their case when their own men post the
video of themselves committing the crime and laughing as they fire.
Self-dated November 5 th
are firing at Donetsk in the video which was recorded by Radio 24, a
Ukrainian news source showing Kyiv’s soldiers laughing as they fire at Donesk and kill the child pictured at the beginning of the article.

type of obfuscation has been a favorite with Ukrainian nationalists
since WW2 when they murdered over 500,000 people including over
150,000 Jews. The denial of mass murder at this level has included
saying there were Jewish SS Battalions and that they killed the Jews
at Babi Yar. The other response is that they (the murdered Jewish and
Ukrainian popul ation)
committed atrocities,
” We
committed atrocities, everybody committed atrocities! ”

arguments are still put forward today by Kyiv, using the same
argument against Donbass. The text below is a response to arguments
that Ukrainian nationalists did not commit atrocities. The person,
Professor John Paul Himka, is arguing with -Askold Lozynskyj who
was n’t
just the president of the Ukrainian World Congress (Representative
Congress for Ukrainians in the Diaspora worldwide) prior to 2010, he
also became their mai n
representative at the United Nations. Worldwide Ukrainians are
represented by an ultra nationalist governing body and have
the UN. The importance of this is that their working argument —
committed attrocitie
committed atrocities, everybody committed atrocities!)
changed. The atrocities listed below shows why they want the world to
think Donbass is complicit in Kyiv’s own handi work.

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