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  • Lara 7:59 am on February 10, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    US Plans to Get Results in Ukraine Before End of Obama’s Term – Lavrov 

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The United States is planning on reaching an actual result in settling the conflict in Ukraine this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

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  • Lara 6:44 am on February 10, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    Lift the ban on the Communist Party of Ukraine – but oppose neo-stalinism 

    The Ukraine Solidarity Campaign condemns the decision of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on 16th December 2015 to suspend the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU). This judgement in effect prevents the CPU from participating in elections and engaging in other activities under its own name. On 25th January 2016, the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine upheld the judgement, which is now being challenged at the European Court of Human Rights.

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  • Lara 1:53 am on February 10, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    IT industry earns 2.5 bln USD for Ukrainian economy in 2015: official 

    KYIV, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) — Ukraine’s information technologies (IT) industry has generated 2.5 billion U.S. dollars of exports revenues last year, becoming one of the most profitable sectors of the East European economy, local media reported Tuesday, citing a senior official from the Economy Ministry.

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  • Lara 1:35 am on February 10, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    246 Die in Ukraine Flu Epidemic 

    KYIV – 246 people have died of influenza in Ukraine since the outbreak of the epidemic in late December, reported the Ukrainian health ministry on Tuesday. (More …)

  • Lara 10:21 pm on February 9, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    Ukraine Economic Crisis 2016: As IMF Loan Stalls, Young Politicians Struggle To Push Through Reforms 

    It’s already been a busy week for Nataliya Katser-Buchkovska. The young member of Ukraine’s parliament wrapped up a meeting at the United Nations on sustainable development Tuesday and was headed to Texas soon for an important energy summit. She wants to overhaul the notoriously corrupt energy sector in her country, where growing political uncertainty looms as the International Monetary Fund delays aid payments.

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  • Lara 8:19 pm on February 9, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    A Ukrainian Street Style Star’s Guide to Scene-Stealing Winter Coats 

    Kyiv is known for its unfriendly winters, with the frigid, biting cold resulting in swarms of rosy-cheeked children bundled in Michelin Man–type snowsuits and scarf-clad babushkas wrapped up in long puffer coats. But feel free to blame global warming, because recently the weather has been unpredictable—even warm—for the first week of February. So what’s a typically bundled-up street style star to do? We turned to Daria Shapovalova for the lowdown on chic outerwear that can handle the wavering temperatures without sacrificing an ounce of style. From masculine-minded topcoats with romantic pearl-strewn embroidery to intentional pattern clashes and the odd bare leg, here’s how to do winter street style in any type of climate.

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  • Lara 6:31 pm on February 9, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    Anouki, Ksenia Schnaider, and Lalo Are the Highlights of Day Two in Kyiv 


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  • Lara 6:03 pm on February 9, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    Experts name main obstacles for lifting sanctions from Russia 

    In early January, a number of political leaders of the US and the EU, for the first time in a long time, have hinted about the prospects of easing the restrictions imposed against Moscow. For example, in Davos, the US Secretary of State John Kerry  admitted the possibility of implementation of the Minsk agreements in the coming months, which would open the way to the lifting of sanctions from Russia. After that, the French Minister of Economy Emmanuel Macron expressed hope that sanctions will be lifted “this summer”.

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  • Lara 5:41 pm on February 9, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    La mode ukrainienne veut convaincre le monde entier 

    Plus de 60 designers ont présenté leurs collections automne / hiver lors de la cinquième édition des “Kyiv Fashion Days”. La jeune styliste Anna Kolomoyets, connue sous le nom d’Anna K., est un représentante de la génération Z. Elle a lancé sa marque il y a quatre ans quand elle avait seulement 16 ans. Depuis, des fans et des acheteurs du monde entier se bousculent pour l’approcher. La créatrice a présenté sa première exposition à la Fashion Week de Londres en 2013, après Milan et Londres. Aujourd’hui les vêtements d’Anna K. sont vendus dans 40 magasins, dans 25 pays.

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  • Lara 5:36 pm on February 9, 2016 Permalink
    Tags: Kyiv   

    Moda en Ucrania: Un caleidoscopio inspirador 

    Más de 60 diseñadores presentan sus colecciones otoño / invierno en “Los Días de la Moda en Kyiv”.

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