Newest Human Barbie Lolita Richi Claims to Be the Ultimate You Be the Judge
Is it possible to become a human Barbie, all without ever having surgery? 16-year-old Ukrainian Lolita Richi of Kyiv, claims she has never underwent surgery to obtain her larger than normal breasts, 20-inch waistline or the face of a Mattel doll. Apparently, at the very least Lolita obviously used a heavy hand for makeup in her photos which she also claimed were not photo-shopped, additionally she states she doesn’t even diet.
It’s certainly plausible the teenage Lolita is simply being honest, with genetics that are indeed quite real but some say isn’t possible. Both economical and luxury makeups can be obtained to easily create many looks including a real life Barbie.

The Ukrainian teenager, admittedly fueled by her own inspiration spoke freely to Metro UK about how much attention she gets from boys and girls in high school. The boys she states aren’t her taste because she doesn’t like any of them, seeing as none of which have piqued her interest. As for the girls, Lolita shares “people” are always telling her they’re jealous of her.

Lolita said she began dressing up to look perfect and insists that every woman should want to do the same. Other human Barbies may happen to agree with Lolita, especially Valeria Lukyanov, also of Ukraine. Like Lolita, Valeria also insists that she never underwent the knife except for her breast implants to achieve Barbie looks. Other than makeup and contact lenses, she says special dieting and exercise is all it has taken.

Alina Kovalevskaya from none other than the Ukraine, claims she too has never had a stitch of surgery. The special Ukrainian trend is up to its third viral human Barbie thus far with each one insisting to be the best and all insisting they’ve had little to no plastic surgery.

Justine Jedlica who turned himself into a human Ken doll on the other hand has unabashedly had over one hundred surgeries and has no plans of stopping. Human Barbie Dolls? A bit demented or admirable?