Merkel Pledges Further Financial Aid for Ukraine
BERLIN (Sputnik) — On Monday, the German chancellor was holding a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Berlin.
“We will definitely talk about the support of Ukraine in economic issues. As part of the plan of action of the [German] federal government in 2015, we have allocated 700 million euros [some $763 million] to Ukraine, and we want to continue our support in 2016,” Merkel told journalists ahead of the talks with Poroshenko.

After the memorandum had been singed, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Hennadiy Zubko pledged that Kyiv would spend the funds for restoration of eastern Ukraine, including modernization of infrastructure and construction of housing.
Ukraine’s economy has suffered a dramatic downturn since the launch of a military operation in April 2014 by Kyiv against independence supporters in eastern Ukraine, who refused to recognize the government that came to power in Kyiv after what they considered as a coup.