Kyiv police kill suspect after car chase

The head of Kyiv patrol police Yuriy Zozulia speaks at a media briefing in Kyiv, on February 7, 2016 (UNIAN photo)

One man critically wounded, three others detained

Kyiv police shot dead one man following a car chase on February 7. The incident came as patrol officers attempted to pull over a BMW with four men inside. The driver repeatedly ignored demands to stop. After a 30-minute chase police say they were forced to open fire.

As a result, one of the suspects died of gunshot wounds. A police officer was also injured in the incident.

The police report all the suspects had signs of alcohol intoxication.

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At a media briefing the head of Kyiv patrol police Yuriy Zozulya stressed officers acted according to the law and in accordance with their responsibility to ensure public security.