Kremlin-backed militants delay prisoner swap

Ukraine's ex-President and Ukraine's representative in the Minsk talks Leonid Kuchma (UNIAN Photo)

China should be invited to take part in peace talks – Leonid Kuchma 

The Trilateral Contact Group on the eastern Ukraine conflict met in Minsk (Belarus) on January 13. The key issue remained the “full and unconditional ceasefire in the Donbas region” and local elections in the militant-occupied regions.

Ukraine’s ex-President and Ukraine’s representative in the talks Leonid Kuchma was not optimistic following the latest round of talks, juding by this Russian-language interview with the Kyiv-based Segodnya newspaper. Translated excerpts from the interview follow:

Q: How did Russia’s and militant representatives react when they learnt that amendments to Ukraine’s Constitution were delayed?

A: When we met in Minsk last time, nothing was delayed. We just put forward our terms: ladies and gentlemen, our (Ukrainian) Parliament (the Verkhovna Rada) also has its own opinion on these issues, and we won’t unanimously vote for it, because the Verkhovna Rada comprehends what would be the consequences. We should not adopt the laws on (local) elections and changes to the Constitution, if the current situation remains the same: there is firing in the Donbas area every day with an increasing number of attacks, they (militants) pull heavy weapons, and do not withdraw foreign – we can say Russian – troops. They (militants) don’t want to have a talk about the Ukrainian-Russian border. But if we have no border, then it is not our territory. It is necessary to comply with the Minsk ceasefire deal – the regime of silence, withdrawal of heavy weapons. A special OSCE mission ought to verify the situation and say ‘Yes, weapons are pulled back’. However, this has not been done. Once it is done, then we can talk about success.

Read aslo Kremlin-backed leaders in eastern Ukraine seek political legitimization

Q: Again, the issue of prisoner swap issue remained unsolved. Why did the parties fail to agree on this issue at this time?

A: Last time we twice reached an agreement on a number of prisoners, and then they (militant representatives) came and started everything again. They use the delay in this process as a tool of influence on Ukraine, which (a tool) they are afraid to lose. They inevitably link this issue to a complete amnesty. They say: ‘Grant amnesty for all.’ But the amnesty should be personal! If we today pardon all those involved in the eastern Ukraine conflict, then tomorrow they will be acting more violently.’

Q: What number of prisoners was discussed at the Minsk talks last time?

A: 133 people (Ukrainian war prisoners). We asked them: “Tell us at least, if you keep these people or not?” They did not answer. I think that many of our people may be already dead…

Read also Prisoner Swap: Ukrainian filmmaker will not be exchanged for captured Russian paratrooper

Q: Do you think it is worthwhile to change the format of the Minsk talks?

A: I want to assure you: if there is no “Minsk-2”, then nothing will happen. Everything will fall apart. Does anyone think that a different format will appear just at the request of Ukraine? Let’s say we want Barack Obama to take part in the talks. Does Obama himself want it? US’s ten priorities (announced by Obama at the recent press-conference) did not cover Ukraine. Let’s ask Putin if he agrees on that? This issue was discussed once and Putin point-blank said that it was not the format for Russia. We cannot hold the talks will all those influencing our fate. We cannot invite the Budapest Memorandum participants to take part in the negotiations. 

Q: What country would you like to see at the talks in Minsk?

A: I’d rather it was China. China also signed an agreement (the Budapest Memorandum)! But we seriously need to look for a compromise, but not at the expense of Ukraine. No way! And again I say: we have every reason to demand implementation of the first terms recorded in the Minsk ceasefire deal, and then we can think of some further steps.

Read also Kuchma About Minsk Talks: No compromise reached, Ukraine must shout about Kominternove seizure

Q: We still have to solve the issue on the elections on territories beyond Ukraine’s control. How are the negotiations progressing?

A: We are pushed from all sides and told: let the elections take place. On whose territory? This (Donbas) territory is not under Ukraine’s control! Let’s think for a moment: we adopt the law on local elections, introduce changes to the Constitution and hold the voting. Whose land will it be? People will definitely elect those, who are in power there, at a gunpoint. Will those elected look then in a direction of Kyiv? They will continue looking in another direction, as they did before – (towards Russia).

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