Human Barbie Lolita Richie, 16, Boasts ‘I’m The Ultimate Vamp Woman’

Meet the latest chick fueling the bizarre Ukrainian Human Barbie craze—Lolita Richi, a 16-year-old from Kyiv, who boasts she’s “the ultimate vamp woman.”

Lolita (that name has got to be fake, right?) vows her 20-inch waist and very large chest are all natural, with no plastic surgery or Photoshop involved at all—well, check out Popdust’s gallery of photos and decide for yourself if she’s being entirely truthful or not.

The teenager joins two other Ukrainians vying for the title of Ultimate Human Barbie—Alina Kovalevskaya and Valeria Lukyanova. As Popdust previously reported, both Alina and Valeria are willing to go to extreme lengths in their quest to look exactly like Mattel’s famous doll, although at this point it can be said all three of them look much weirder than an actual Barbie.

Not surprisingly, just like her counterparts, Lolita is confident she is the very best in the field of Human Barbie-ism—although, pretty sure nobody believes her when she insists she hasn’t even heard of her rivals.

“I think I’ve achieved this image better than anyone else,” she told London’s Metro. “I’m the ultimate vamp woman. I haven’t even heard of Valeria Lukyanov.”

I mean, that comment kind of begs the question, if you haven’t even heard of her, HOW DO YOU KNOW HER NAME and WHY ARE YOU MENTIONING HER?!!

Anyway, in case you thought it was an easy life being so flawless and perfect, Lolita wants to make it clear she has to deal with great trials and tribulations.

“People have openly told me that they’re jealous of me and how good I look,” she said. “All of the boys at school fancy me as well but I don’t like any of them. They are not to my taste.”

Seriously though, is it a coincidence ALL of these Human Barbies are coming out of the Ukraine? What the hell?!!!



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