Flu spreads across Ukraine: Latest information
Flu in Ukraine
Some 3.2 million have suffered from influenza since late September 2015
176 people have died and 3.2 million patients have become ill due to the flu and acute respiratory infections since the epidemic season started on September 28, 2015, Ukrainian health ministry officials say. That constitutes to 8.3% of the entire population.
It is also reported that 62.8% of the infected are children under 17 years, Ukrainian news portal TSN writes. The highest sickness rate was found in Kyiv (+14%) and lowest in Kharkiv region (3.6%)
Read also Ukraine’s healthcare ministry announces flu epidemic as more than 80 people die
There were 176 deaths from flu officially registered in laboratories; among them two children aged under 17 and one pregnant woman.
Only one third of all deceased have timely requested medical assistance. The analysis performed showed that all of them were not vaccinated from flu. Government statistics also show this season’s sickness rate is 41.4% higher than in the same period last year.
Watch also The death toll from flu in Ukraine stands at 166
The city hall in Ukraine’s capital Kyiv on Thursday scrapped classes at schools and pre-schools until the end of the week amid a record-breaking heat wave and peat-bog fires.