City of Kyiv Launches ‘Terra Dignitas’ Revolution Memorial Competition

The City of Kyiv has launched an international design competition aiming to commemorate the lives lost in Ukraine‘s Maidan Revolution, both through a memorial to their memory and through implementing the ideals of the revolution in the urban space surrounding Maidan Nezalezhnosti. The competition, honed through months of public discussions and consultations, is being organized by the Kyiv City State Administration and Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture. More details after the break.

Over the course of six months, the scope of the competition has expanded from an all-Ukrainian competition for a memorial only, to a now-international competition for the entire urban area. “We understand that installing a monument is not enough to perpetuate the memory of the fallen Heroes of Maidan,” explains the competition website. “We ought to implement the ideas, which Maidan was standing for, in the urban space.”
Registration for the competition has been extended until November 30th, with design proposals due next spring. For more information and to register, visit the competition website.
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