Kyiv, Warsaw clash over million Ukrainians in Poland
Evgeny Afineevsky’s Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom has it all: blood, sweat and tear gas.
Evgeny Afineevsky’s Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom has it all: blood, sweat and tear gas.
Evgeny Afineevsky’s Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom has it all: blood, sweat and tear gas.
The appearance of one of President Vladimir Putin’s most enigmatic associates, Vladislav Surkov, at a meeting with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland last Friday has sparked speculation that Moscow and Washington are approaching an endgame in Ukraine after two years of conflict.
The appearance of one of President Vladimir Putin’s most enigmatic associates, Vladislav Surkov, at a meeting with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland last Friday has sparked speculation that Moscow and Washington are approaching an endgame in Ukraine after two years of conflict.
No último sábado, o serviço de imprensa do aeroporto anunciou que a sua rede de computadores havia sido infectada por um vírus. Logo em seguida, o porta-voz da presidência da Ucrânia Andriy Lysenko declarou que o ataque seria provavelmente de responsabilidade russa. (More …)
No último sábado, o serviço de imprensa do aeroporto anunciou que a sua rede de computadores havia sido infectada por um vírus. Logo em seguida, o porta-voz da presidência da Ucrânia Andriy Lysenko declarou que o ataque seria provavelmente de responsabilidade russa. (More …)
Russia is hurting economically and Ukraine knows it. Ukraine is suffering massive financial stress as well, but it has the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU) on its side. Russia doesn’t, and Russia is running out of money. Sensing Russian economic weakness, Ukraine has decided to push to get it all back, Crimea and East Ukraine that is.