12:11 Two medical doctors hospitalized after caring for swine flu patient in …

After contacting with patients who died of swine flu two physicians were taken to an intensive care unit in the town of Berdychiv, 180 kilometers southwest of Kyiv.

The health department at the Zhytomyr regional state administration reports.

“In the town of Berdychiv, a 59 year-old patient died of swine flu. Two more patients with the same diagnosis are now cared for in the intensive care unit there. They are physicians who had contact with the patient. One of the physician’s test result confirmed she had a strain of influenza A (H1N1),” the report says.

The health department emphasized that there’s no threat to the lives of these two patients now because they were hospitalized in a short period of time.

Seven patients have been diagnosed with the strain of influenza A (H1N1) since the start of the epidemic season in the Zhytomyr region.